Monday, March 22, 2010

Typography Self Portrait

My portrait for Day 229 of my 365 project. The entire thing is composed only of text.
See the rest of my 365 project here:

Doodle For Google

Everyone knows about the "Doodle For Google" contest. Here's my two entries.

Apex High Banner

We all made banners for the E-Commerce class. Their project was to re-create the Apex High website and our project was to make banners for them.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

80's Fashion Poster

Another poster for a contest at school. This one if for the school fashion show, which is themed "80's Unzipped."

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Fruity Toucan

A toucan made entirely out of fruits.
Images taken off Google, manipulated, and placed into correct positions. Dodged, burned, and fitted to the background.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Matrix Hamster

The new sequel to the Matrix. "The Hamstrix" Coming to a theater near you.

The Color Of Ferrari

My Ferrari Enzo color wheel. I took the picture of the miniature Ferrari using a DIY Lightbox. Taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi, lit with a Vivitar 383 strobe triggered via Cactus v4 syncs. Cropped and imported into Photoshop where I arranged them into a circle and messed with the hues to get the effect.